
Nouvelles vagues, vagues nouvelles.

I’m not too sure what I’m intending with this website. Not sure who it is for; you, me? How much do I want to share? What do I want to share? Why? I can’t even decide which language I want to use to express whatever it is I might want to say. Articulating my thoughts with words is a struggle for me in both French and English anyway – and it doesn’t get easier when writing. Yet here I am, trying to introduce you to what you’ll find here. And here you are, dear reader, maybe wondering how often we’ll go adrift in this sea of turbulent thoughts that don’t concern you. I navigate those waters every day and I have to say I don’t have any visibility on that. But let’s leave that for later.

So. Every time I dive into a new unique experience I try to start a blog, or rather, some sort of photo journal. Fragments of my life, of precious moments, of what my eyes and soul resonate to. I get easily distracted though – and later submerged by the effort and meaning of it all. That and the thought of showing something incomplete used to make me shut down the whole thing until all could be perfected. But I’m trying something a bit different with this new wave of expressiveness; it will shyly wash up to your feet some of my eclectic photo collections and their clumsy captions, my messy stories and their cherished memories.

There’ll be some high tides, some low tides, but if you want to catch some of these waves with me, here’s the place!

I hope you’ll appreciate whatever you may find.




This section will take you to specific events: you can choose where you wish to travel or what experience I went out for.



This section brings together my personal favorites. Of course an often changing thing as I grow both in myself and my photography.


Thinking about

If you want to read a bit more about what’s on my mind at the moment.