September 2020

After the first couples of months of covid crisis, Valère and I were desperate to get out of Paris. We had survived our – long – lockdown together in a one-room apartment; nothing could stop us now! We were ready and happy to share for a few weeks a new small home on wheels. My dad just happened to have the perfect vehicle so off we went on the French roads!

Warning: brace yourself for many pictures of the cats as they joined us on this journey!

Jour 1 & 2

Seine-et-Marne au centre du Berry

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Férolles (Seine-et-Marne) - Les Choux (Loiret) - Abbaye de Noirlac (Cher)

On the first day, we were worried taking the cats was a bad idea. It was a stressful and hot day: leaving home, preparing the pick-up and driving our first two hours before stopping at night time was a lot. They didn’t get much sleep that night, we didn’t either. We had already agreed before leaving that if it didn’t work out for them, we would turn around and bring them home.

We had stopped in a field close to a forest for the night. The next morning, with just an other camper close to us, we took them out to see how they would like it. They loved it! They ran around, sniffing everything their tail right up and rolling in the grass. So that was settled, we would keep going for today.

Jour 3

Du Berry aux portes de l’Auvergne

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Abbaye de Noirlac (Cher) - Néris-les-Bains (Allier)

Abbaye. Pneu. Départ en vitesse sous la pluie. Panique à bord. Superbe arrêt dans bâtisse abandonnée. Nuit en camping pour une longue douche chaude.

Jour 4

Massif Central


Néris-les-Bains (Allier) - Grotte de la Pierre de Volvic (Puy-de-Dôme)